Aarøe, L., Andersen, K., Skovsgaard, M., Svith, F. T., & Schmøkel, R. (2024). The Journalistic Preference for Extreme Exemplars: Educational Socialization, Psychological Biases, or Editorial Policy? Journal of Communication, 74(1), 48–62. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Djerf-Pierre, M., & Shehata, A. (2024). The Scary World Syndrome: News Orientations, Negativity Bias, and the Cultivation of Anxiety. Mass Communication and Society, 27(3), 502–524 . OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Shehata, A., Skovsgaard, M., & Strömbäck, J. (2024). Selective News Avoidance: Consistency and Temporality. Advance access, Communication Research. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Toff, B., & Ytre-Arne, B. (2024). Introduction: What We (Don’t) Know About News Avoidance. Journalism Studies, 25(12), 1367–1384. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Shehata, A., Thomas, F, Glogger, I, & Andersen, K. (2024). Belief Maintenance as a Media Effect: A Conceptualization and Empirical Approach. Human Communication Research, 50(1), 1–13. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Skovsgaard, M., Andersen, K., & Heiselberg, L. (2024). The Context-Dependent Demand for Watchdog Journalism: Dynamics in Audience Expectations for Journalists’ Role Performance. Advance access, Journalism Practice. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Shehata, A., & Andersson, D. (2023). Alternative News Orientation and Trust in Mainstream Media: A Longitudinal Audience Perspective. Digital Journalism, 11(5), 833–852. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. (2022). Realizing Good Intentions? A Field Experiment of Slow News Consumption and News Fatigue. Journalism Practice, 16(5), 848–863. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Johansson, J., Johansson, B., & Shehata, A. (2022). Maintenance and Reformation of News Repertoires: A Latent Transition Analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 99(1), 237–261. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Boukes, M., Aalbers, L., & Andersen, K. (2022). Political Fact or Political Fiction? The Agenda-Setting Impact of the Political Fiction Series Borgen on the Public and News Media. Communications, 47(1), 50-72. ACCESS HERE

Ohme, J., Andersen, K., Albæk, E., & de Vreese, C. H. (2022). Anything Goes? Youth, News, and Democratic Engagement in the Roaring 2020s. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(3), 557–568. ACCESS HERE

Shehata, A., Johansson, J., Andersen, K., & Johansson, B. (2022). Climate Change Frame Acceptance and Resistance: Extreme Weather, Consonant News and Personal Media Orientations. Mass Communication and Society, 25(1), 51–76. ACCESS HERE

Skovsgaard, M., Andersen, K., & Heiselberg, L. (2022). Vagthund eller skødehund? Efterspørgslen på kritisk journalistik under coronakrisen [Watchdog or lapdog? The demand for critical journalism during the corona crisis]. Politica, 54(4), 321–342. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., & Strömbäck, J. (2021). Media Platforms and Political Learning: The Democratic Challenge of News Consumption on Computers and Mobile Devices. International Journal of Communication, 15(2021), 300–319. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., van Dalen, A., Hopmann, D. N., Skovsgaard, M., & Albæk, E. (2021). Tilliden til de danske journalister og nyhedsmedier: i forfald eller ej? [Trust in Danish journalists and news media: in decay or not?] Politica, 53(3), 125–149. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Shehata, A., Andersson, D., Glogger, I., Hopmann, D. N., Andersen, K., Kruikemeier, S., & Johansson, J. (2021). Conceptualizing Long-Term Media Effects on Societal Beliefs. Annals of the International Communication Association, 45(1), 75–93. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Skovsgaard, M., & Andersen, K. (2020). Conceptualizing News Avoidance: Towards a Shared Understanding of Different Causes and Potential Solutions. Journalism Studies, 21(4), 459–476. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. (2019). An Entrance for the Uninterested: Who Watches Soft News and How Does It Affect Their Political Participation? Mass Communication and Society, 22(4), 487–507. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Skovsgaard, M., Pedersen, R. T. (2019). The X Factor of Opportunity Structures: How Grab and Wrap Effects of Entertainment Create Inadvertant News Audience in a High-Choice Media Environment. European Journal of Communication, 34(5), 535–551. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. & Hopmann, D. N. (2018). Compensator, Amplifier, or Distractor? The Moderating Role of Informal Political Talk on the Effect of News Media Use on Current Affairs Learning Among First-Time Voters. Political Communication, 35(4), 634–654. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Skovsgaard, M., Albæk, E., & de Vreese, C. H. (2017). The Engaging Effect of Exemplars: How an Emotional Reaction to (Dis)Similar People in the News Media Affects Political Participation. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 22(4), 490–509. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. & Larsen, E. G. (2016). Hvilken periode skal analyseres? Uge 46 som dataindsamlingsstrategi i journalistikforskningen [Selecting a Sample: Week 46 as Data Collection Strategy in Journalism Studies]. Journalistica, 2016(1), 126-146. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., Bjarnøe, C., Albæk, E., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). How News Type Matters. Indirect Effects of Media Use on Political Participation Through Knowledge and Efficacy. Journal of Media Psychology, 28(3), 111–122. ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K., de Vreese, C. H., & Albæk, E. (2016). Measuring Media Diet in a High-Choice Environment – Testing the List-Frequency Technique. Communication Methods and Measures, 10(2–3), 81–98. ACCESS HERE


Andersen, K., Ohme, J., Bjarnøe, C., Bordacconi, M. J., Albæk, E., de Vreese, C. (2021). Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement. From Baby Boomers to Generation Z. Routledge. OPEN ACCESS HERE


Andersen, K. & Edgerly, S. (2025). News Avoidance. In Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing. Accepted version. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. & Skovsgaard, M. (2024). Vælgernes nyhedsforbrug og -undgåelse [Voters’ News Consumption and Avoidance]. In Partiledernes kamp om midten. Folketingsvalget 2022. København: Djøf Forlag.

Skovsgaard, M. & Andersen, K. (2022). News avoidance. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Journalism (pp. 10991103). SAGE Publications. ACCESS HERE and OPEN ACCESS HERE

Andersen, K. & Skovsgaard, M. (2021). Findes der nyhedsørkner i den kommunale valgkamp? [Are there news deserts in the local election campaign?] In KV17 – Analyser af kommunalvalget 2017. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.

Beyer, A., Knudsen, E., Andersen, K., & Shehata, A. (2021). Political media effects in a Nordic perspective. In Power, Communication, and Politics in the Nordic Countries (pp. 347–363). Gothenburg: Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. OPEN ACCESS HERE

Shehata, A., Glogger, I., & Andersen, K. (2021). The Swedish Way: How ideology and media use influenced the formation, maintenance and change of beliefs about the coronavirus. In Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus (pp. 209223). New York: Routledge. OPEN ACCESS HERE


Andersen, K. (2018). The News Media as a Mobilizing Agent: Understanding the Underlying Mechanisms Linking News Media Use and Political Participation in Today’s High-Choice Media Environment. Odense: Print & Sign, SDU. ISBN: 978-87-93496-98-9.